The Hive is a site specific instalation in one of the most important textile factory from the begin of 20 century in central Europe. Art Symposium in the hall of industrial complex Merina in Trencin was focused to young artists from Slovakia and Czech Republic. Following the example of many world cities, artists have brought their art to the premises of the factory ceased operations and gave it a new dimension of presentation gallery character. Merina was one of the major factories for the production of textiles in the early 20th century in Europe. Currently-May 2013, the indoor spaces were occupied by artists who work here on multi-genre nature (painting, sculpture, video, animation, site-specific installation, dj-ing, vj-ing, concerts, fashion design) with the final open to the public. Aim of the one week symposium is to establish in these areas regular event where the young artists could present their art and offer it to the public, which could change the treatment of Industrial architecture, of its maintenance and presentation potential.
Site specific inštalácia Úľ je projekt realizovaný počas sympózia Hala Merina priamo v areáli
jednej z najdôležitejších textilných fabrík v centrálnej Európe z 20. storočia v Trenčíne.
Umelecké sympózium prezentovalo diela českých a slovenských autorov mladej generácie.
Príkladom iných krajín prezentovať umenie v hodnotnej architektúre s odkazom na historický
kontext, sa bývalá textilná hala premenila na kreatívne miesto pre mladých autorov, kde
prezentovali svoje intermediálne diela (socha, maľba, site specific inštalácie, dj-ing, vj-ing,
koncerty a módna prehliadka), ktoré boli prístupné pre širokú verejnosť. Cieľom tohto podujatia
je vytvoriť priestor/udalosť pre každoročnú prezentáciu mladého súčasného umenia v priestoroch
industriálnej architektúry v centre mesta.